Ever start on a project and get so wrapped up in the details that the original project you started morphs into something completely different? Well, that kinda happened to me last week during the Thanksgiving break. I was actually going to clean up the office area that we haven't really moved into yet when I came upon this box of really old pictures of family from days long gone by. As I thumbed through a few of the pictures, the thought of putting them into a photo album jumped into my head and I suddenly forgot all about cleaning the place up. Photo after photo revealed aspects of my life that I had completely forgotten about or never really realized even existed. For example, I came across an old picture of my grandfather and me along with what appears to be several other folks on my grandfather's side of the family. It dawned on me that the only people I recognized were my grandfather and my grandmother. The other folks seemed to be complete strangers. At first, I didn't even recognize my own father until later when I blew the photo up on my computer. What's the point? Well, I thought that it was pretty strange that I don't know anybody in my immediate family beyond my grandmothers and grandfathers. To me, that's a real shame because I'm sure there is a lot of family history and great stories buried in those old photos that will never really be told, or written about. Some of these photos will forever be beautiful diaries of lives and events that are locked away forever. Only the imagination of the prospective viewer can deduce what story the photo really holds. Like I said, I thought this was a real shame, so I embarked on a project of my own to document and unlock the stories behind the photos for which I hold the key. Let the story begin ...
The palest ink is better than the best memory.
Chinese Proverb